Tor Egil Hoftun Kvæstad

— Joy in creation

Rarely Updated Electronic Log

Welcome to my rarely updated electronic log; a blog of sorts where I write about things I’m interested in from time to time. Don’t expect a steady stream of content here, posts may be few and far between.

If you’d like to be notified of any activity, you can subscribe to the RSS-feed. You may also want to take a look at the list of tags to see if there are any posts of interest to you.

Also keep in mind that the posts reflect what I am thinking at a particular point in time – my opinions might have changed since I wrote something, or I may have been wrong.

Being tripped up by the JavaFX Spinner


While working on converting MinStory to use JavaFX instead of Swing, I got stuck for quite a while implementing a dialog using the Spinner from JavaFX. When I saved the information the user had entered in the GUI, the information seemed to be lost, and reverted to the information it had contained when it was instantiated. Read the full post…

The Sony PRS-T1 Ereader


Since I am very fond of reading, and quite interested in the e-ink technology, I bought a Sony PRS-300 ereader a few years ago. It has worked well, and been in frequent use when I have been travelling. This year, however, I discovered that there was a newer version of the ereader available, the PRS-350, which utilized the new "Pearl" e-ink. I was planning to buy the aforementioned PRS-350 — but I did it in a brick and mortar store; where salesmen work. Read the full post…

The Problem With Attending a Photography Course


While working on converting MinStory to use JavaFX instead of Swing, I got stuck for quite a while implementing a dialog using the Spinner from JavaFX. When I saved the information the user had entered in the GUI, the information seemed to be lost, and reverted to the information it had contained when it was instantiated. Read the full post…

My First SSD


As you may recall (if you've read it at all), I had some trouble with using a USB flash drive for the operating system. Fortunately, we had an old 3.5" SATA-disk from 2004 which wasn't in use at work. I am using it for the operating system at the moment, and I can actually use the computer now… Read the full post…

Camera Progression

2012-01-29 (Edited)

Recently, a colleague of mine has started to organize a photography course for employees, where the instructor will be a colleague of mine who has actually published books that contains his photographs. I decided to take the course, and found it a good excuse (that, and Christmas,) to get a new camera. Read the full post…

Four cores and seven, Windows


Since Christmas is coming, I've "started to buy" myself a new computer. To spread the expenditures out a bit, I bought the cabinet, the power supply and the DVD-burner in November. This month, I've gotten the mainboard, the RAM and the processor. I'm writing this on it, using the 64-bit version of Ubuntu 11.10. Read the full post…

InsetsCreator: A Case of Over-Engineering

2011-11-20 (Edited)

While I was working on the editor for MinStory, I for some reason skim-read the Gnome Human Interface Guidelines. It had a section on spacing between components in dialogs, which I found interesting, since all the components in my dialogs were mashed together end-to-end. Read the full post…

First Post!


Or entry, as I suppose it is called in the blogging world. This may be the first entry here, but the Rarely Updated Electronic Log (or RUEL) has existed in another form before. Read the full post…